It's my job to make audiences feel, think, and laugh. And I take that seriously.
I help audiences pause and think about the way they lead, the way they connect, and the way they can impact their world. I create moments that empower teams and individuals to realize they are the only thing standing in the way between the results they want and the results they're currently seeing. I am an award-winning, recognized professional speaker with a background in stand-up and improv comedy. I deliver powerful and hysterical keynotes and workshops that will transform lives.
I work with corporations, associations, and colleges, and individuals with a focus on making people care more creating a workplace culture where people actively choose to care about each other and lead with authenticity and relatability. There is power in hearing other’s stories and talking about imperfection, it has proven to increase trust, innovation and morale in teams. By infusing my thought-provoking talks with comedy and self-awareness, my audiences stay engaged from beginning to end.
My first book, Leading Imperfectly: The value of being authentic for leaders, professionals, and human beings discusses the concepts of how authentic leadership and vulnerability are the driving forces behind conversations about communication, rapport building, engagement, increased productivity, retention, life balance, feedback, and more.
As far as how I got here, my parents will tell you that I captured the attention of my first audience at a very early age and never turned back. They will also tell you that I cost them way too much money, but that is beside the point. I started facilitating leadership presentations and speeches in 2002 for my peers at the University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW), Clemson University, and regional conferences. In 2009, after I presented a workshop, someone came up to me and asked me how much I charged for my speaking services. I told them they could buy me lunch and then my paid speaking career was off to the races! Becoming a Professional Speaker has allowed me to do the two things I love most: making people think and making people laugh.
Way more importantly I am married to an even better professional speaker, Tina VanSteenbergen. Together we own our speaking/training company StoryMatters. We have two adorable children, Roam and Adelina and live in St. Paul, Minnesota. (Please note: Tina is from Minnesota, I refuse to lose my New York accent so I still walk, tAWk, and eat chAWcolate).