Networking for Introverts

Networking…AAAAAAHHH!!!!  The mere mention of the word creates polarizing emotions for many.  The art of shaking hands and kissing babies is beloved by some and feared by others.  But, no matter how many social media platforms we create, Face-to-face networking is not going away.  So let’s chat about it, shall we?



In order to effectively discuss networking we must first think about it through the context of personality.  Reason being: you can’t talk about playing the game if you don’t even know how to get to the ballpark.  In this post I’ll focus on my introverted independents and

next one will be about my extroverted extras

.   No matter whether you identify as an introvert or extrovert or somewhere in between, it’s important to remember that our personalities exist on a spectrum and depending on the day, situation, or people – we may fluctuate in our introverted or extroverted qualities.

Here are some things we know about introverts:

  1. Introverts tend to draw their energy from being alone or in small groups with people they know. For an introvert, being around people – especially new people – requires effort and can lead to statements like: “hey, I really need to get home and tend to my terrariums” (well before the social interaction or engagement would have normally been over).

  2. Typically, introverts have a few amazing friends they build very deep and meaningful relationships with. An introvert may say, “why should I spend my time making new friends when I could further enrich the relationships I already have and love?” Introverts aren’t concerned with having lots of friends – they just want and need a few very close ones.

  3. Introverts often think first and talk…maybe never. The quality of thinking first is a great one, but can stand in the way of participating in group discussions and gives others the perception that introverts are shy or stand-offish. Introverts are often very introspective and actively process what others are saying, making them great listeners if they aren’t distracted by their own thoughts and wonderings!

Now that we have politely stereotyped introverts, let’s consider how introverts can best navigate networking situations.  Here are my tips for your next networking event, alumni dinner, professional social, etc.:

  1. When you’re in a conversation with someone, take the opportunity to ask for some advice. Introverts are practiced listeners, so ask a question or questions that will get others talking for a while. Use that time to learn something new and ask follow up questions. Also, let’s be honest, asking for advice is a huge compliment to whomever you are speaking and in networking a little ego stroking is not a bad thing.

  2. Set a realistic goal for how many new conversations you want to have. Rather than scrambling to play 20 questions with everyone in the room, pick one or two people to talk to. If the idea of talking to lots of strangers makes you think of no less than three excuses why you can’t/shouldn’t/won’t do it, make it manageable and plan to talk to just a couple people. Simply set a goal for yourself to meet three new people. After, reward yourself with some alone time: go outside for a breather, go grab a drink, use the restroom, find a corner and flip through Instagram, text with your best friend, etc.

  3. If you’re worried about breaking the ice and starting conversations, bring a wing-man/woman/person. Ask someone to come along with you that is a good conversation initiator – maybe an extroverted friend?! If you can bring someone who doesn’t mind the awkward small talk at the beginning of a conversation, then you can jump in on the conversation once there is more substance. Just make sure before you walk in to tell your partner in crime the deal – they are there to initiate conversations, introduce you, and then leave – making room for you to shine.

  4. Play to your strengths! As an introvert, you are a relationship developer and are usually in it for the long haul. For this reason, I believe introverts have the potential to be better networkers in the long run than their extroverted counterparts. You listen more, you pay attention, you focus, you ask deeper questions, and you build lasting relationships… if that’s not sexy, I don’t know what is!

  5. Realize that you are worthy of being in any conversation! I have actually heard introverts say things like: “I don’t have anything to add to the conversation” or “I felt weird saying anything…” – remember that you do have something to add to the conversation and that your comments aren’t scrutinized by anyone else as much as they are by you. Take a chance, share your thoughts!

Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, the idea of networking and making sure you make a good impression can be a very intimidating process; but, the more you play to your natural strengths, the easier it will be to navigate. If you have thoughts about introverts and networking or just want to practice, tweet at me: @JamesTRobo